SCOPE Fintech Solutions congratulates Wijs & Van Oostveen on the commissioning of the CDD On Demand platform. With CDD On Demand, Wijs & Van Oostveen improves the screening, checking, and monitoring of both existing and new clients under the Wwft and Sanctions Act.
Why CDD On Demand?
The reason for choosing CDD On Demand lies in the combination of the quality and reproducibility (integration with CRM system) of the performed checks, the user-friendliness, and improvement of the efficiency (fully automated) of the execution of the process. In addition to the fact that the checks are carried out with high quality, the ability to reproduce the checks carried out per client is of great importance, because if an audit is carried out by the supervisor, client files are lifted, of which the checks carried out should be a part. CDD On Demand provides this by archiving a sealed and authenticated PDF document of each audit performed in the client file.
Scalable and efficient solutions
As client numbers increase and the margin per client decreases, it is important to set up the CDD process in an efficient manner. CDD On Demand's integration capabilities and serial check functionality offer huge efficiency gains when checking larger numbers of clients. Instead of manually checking clients piece by piece, entire client lists can be run through the series/batch check at once, with the reports automatically filed in the client file. In addition, as part of this process, clients are also placed directly on the monitor list for continuous monitoring. By deploying CDD On Demand, Wijs & Van Oostveen can save on staffing and turnaround time of the intake/review process, thereby improving service to clients.
SCOPE wishes Wijs & Van Oostveen every success with the deployment of CDD On Demand. Are you also looking for good and efficient implementation of your CDD process, contact us!