SCOPE FinTech Solutions

Strategic partnership SCOPE FinTech Solutions and BlueMonks

Strategic partnership SCOPE FinTech Solutions and BlueMonks

Working together to strengthen kyc/aml compliance

SCOPE FinTech Solutions and BlueMonks are proud to announce a strategic partnership to strengthen KYC/AML compliance for financial institutions. By working together, SCOPE FinTech Solutions and BlueMonks provide clients with the best possible solutions for their compliance needs.


BlueMonks is an organization focused on providing customized compliance solutions for financial institutions. BlueMonks specializes in identifying and mitigating compliance risks and supporting their clients in complying with laws and regulations aimed at combating Financial and Economic Crime (FEC), including KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering). In addition, BlueMonks also has experience in Remediation Programs, Interim, and Project Management, and has professionals in all layers of the Three Lines of Defense Model. For those involved in the field, BlueMonks also offers training and education to increase the awareness and knowledge of employees regarding compliance. BlueMonks stands for their flexibility and customized approach and serves clients in various sectors, including banks, lawyers, insurers, and asset managers.

SCOPE FinTech Solutions

SCOPE FinTech Solutions is a specialist in providing innovative technology solutions for financial institutions. The company specializes in compliance management, risk management, and anti-fraud solutions. SCOPE FinTech Solutions offers a wide range of products and services, including their Compliance Management Portal, which helps financial institutions manage their compliance activities more efficiently. The software allows organizations to quickly identify customer risk profiles, track records of customer due diligence activities, automate regulatory reporting requirements, and ensure ongoing compliance with all applicable regulations.

Total solution for (financial) institutions

The new partnership combines the products and services of both companies, offering customers a comprehensive total solution. SCOPE FinTech Solutions' Compliance Management Portal will be used by BlueMonks as part of their proposition, bringing together automation and manual processing. This allows BlueMonks to streamline the end-to-end KYC/AML process while providing additional services such as remediation processes and setting up and designing optimal and efficient KYC processes. 

CEO of SCOPE FinTech Solutions, Fred van 't Hoff: "We are very excited about this partnership with BlueMonks. By working together, we can offer our customers an even more comprehensive suite of solutions that will help them meet all of their regulatory requirements."

Managing Director of BlueMonks, Mark van Wijk, adds, "Our goal has always been to provide our clients with the best possible service when it comes to managing their compliance activities. By partnering with SCOPE FinTech Solutions, we can now offer an even more complete suite of services that not only meets but exceeds regulatory expectations."

The partnership between SCOPE FinTech Solutions and BlueMonks allows financial institutions to more efficiently manage their compliance activities and comply with applicable laws and regulations. The total solution offered by the two companies allows financial institutions to onboard, monitor, and manage their customers in an effective and efficient manner.

Logo Bluemonks
Learn more about BlueMonks
Picture of Talitha Dirven
Talitha Dirven
Ik ben Talitha Dirven en werkzaam als Finance & Operations Manager bij SCOPE FinTech Solutions. Ik schrijf veel content over de voordelen van onze software en op welke manier klanten het in de praktijk het beste kunnen inzetten zodat ze optimaal van de voordelen gebruik maken. De markt is enorm dynamisch qua nieuws, veranderingen in wet- & regelgeving, duidelijkheid over de toepassing ervan en technologische ontwikkelingen en om hier allemaal goed van op de hoogte te blijven bezoek ik samen met mijn collega’s veel kennisbijeenkomsten, evenementen en zorgen we dat we de belangrijke ontwikkelingen verwerken in onze content en delen met onze klanten en partners via onze website, nieuwsbrieven en bijeenkomsten. Mijn blogs en nieuws vind je hier.

brochure SCOPE CDD Risk Portal

Ontdek de essentiële componenten en voordelen van het SCOPE CDD Risk Portal voor een effectieve risicobeoordeling. Download de whitepaper om te leren hoe configureerbare criteria en geïntegreerde dataoplossingen uw risicomanagement kunnen versterken.

brochure API

Maak CDD nog makkelijker, integreer CDD-controles direct in uw eigen software omgeving. Of maak gebruik van een van de oplossingen van onze partners waar de CDD controles al in geïntegreerd zijn. Download hier de brochure.

brochure Compliance Management Portal

With our knowledge and data partners, we have developed the right tools for KYC departments to make your risk assessment process faster, more efficient, and more interesting for employees. Read the benefits in our brochure.