SCOPE FinTech Solutions

Vidua Realty closes partnership with SCOPE FinTech Solutions

SCOPE en Vidua gaan een samenwerking aan

Vidua Realty and SCOPE FinTech Solutions have closed the year 2021 well and entered into a joint partnership. The partnership will make it possible for Vidua Vastgoed customers to easily and securely conduct the Wwft customer survey. Vidua Vastgoed is a 100% subsidiary of NVM and was recently founded. The goal of Vidua Vastgoed is to give consumers more control over privacy-sensitive information in the housing journey. At the same time, it helps business advisors in the housing supply chain to better and more easily meet the compliance obligations from the Wwft and AVG.

Together with partners, Vidua Realty is developing products for brokers, mortgage advisors, lenders, and notaries within the real estate market. One of the products being planned is a service for advisors to conduct the customer due diligence required under the Wwft. Given the digital and innovative nature of this service, Vidua Realty sought a party that could provide KYC and CDD services with a solid technical platform and easy-to-implement APIs. In SCOPE FinTech Solutions, Vidua Vastgoed found this partner.

The new service uses Vidua. Vidua is an electronic identity (eID) at the highest, most secure European level. Among other things, users can use Vidua to identify themselves digitally and sign qualified documents. The app is actually a proof of identity and legal signature in one.

Currently, buyers and sellers of houses can use Vidua to identify themselves digitally in, part of Realworks, the market-leading CRM package for real estate agents. This eliminates the need for a copy passport. Advisors thus comply with the obligation to identify customers according to the Wwft. Soon, therefore, these capabilities will be expanded to include a complete service for Wwft customer research.

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Picture of Talitha Dirven
Talitha Dirven
Ik ben Talitha Dirven en werkzaam als Finance & Operations Manager bij SCOPE FinTech Solutions. Ik schrijf veel content over de voordelen van onze software en op welke manier klanten het in de praktijk het beste kunnen inzetten zodat ze optimaal van de voordelen gebruik maken. De markt is enorm dynamisch qua nieuws, veranderingen in wet- & regelgeving, duidelijkheid over de toepassing ervan en technologische ontwikkelingen en om hier allemaal goed van op de hoogte te blijven bezoek ik samen met mijn collega’s veel kennisbijeenkomsten, evenementen en zorgen we dat we de belangrijke ontwikkelingen verwerken in onze content en delen met onze klanten en partners via onze website, nieuwsbrieven en bijeenkomsten. Mijn blogs en nieuws vind je hier.

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