SCOPE FinTech Solutions


Become a partner with SCOPE FinTech Solutions today and enjoy all the benefits of the partnership.

Our collaboration with our partners allows us to deliver leading products. Each of our partners contributes to growth and innovation within our products. With their expertise in technology improvements, innovations and providing critical AML information, they contribute to innovative solutions. Not only does this allow us to provide our clients with an enhanced experience, at the same time we continue to strive together for excellence in solutions that set the standard within FinTech.

We look forward to continually strengthening our relationships and rolling out appropriate solutions!

Scope IDV

Product Development & Engineering

Microsoftazure PP

Microsoft Azure

SCOPE FinTech Solutions has been a Microsoft Partner for over twenty years, fulfilling all the requirements associated with this status. This includes a minimum required number of Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP). In addition, Microsoft's development platform provides a solid foundation for new developments, allowing SCOPE FinTech Solutions' software solutions to integrate faster and easier with other applications. Some advantages of Microsoft Azure:

Security Microsoft Azure helps keep customer data secure. Privacy: Microsoft Azure gives customers ownership and control over their data. Compliance: Microsoft Azure complies with global standards. Reliability and flexibility: Microsoft Azure keeps your applications running and your data available.

Acuris PP

Acuris Risk Intelligence

Acuris Risk Intelligence provides data necessary to conduct mandatory background checks on individuals and companies with CDD On Demand's Cloud Service. Acuris Risk Intelligence is a global specialist in news, research, analysis and data for financial professionals.

Since its founding in 2000, Acuris Risk Intelligence has been a growing company focused on information brands united by common characteristics such as industry knowledge, analytical skills, proprietary data and solutions to provide maximum value. 

Logo IDenfy


iDenfy is SCOPE FinTech Solutions' identification and verification solution partner. iDenfy is a leading company specializing in online IDentification and Verification Services, (ID&V). The partnership is focused on integrating iDenfy's state-of-the-art identification and verification technology into SCOPE's Customer Due Diligence (CDD) software.

SCOPE FinTech Solutions is integrating iDenfy's identification and verification solutions to provide a seamless and efficient experience for its customers. The integration enables SCOPE to offer advanced features such as document check, validation and face validation.

Eurius PP


The law firm Eurius is the specialist in the field of European AML/CFT laws & regulations and advises and guides SCOPE FinTech Solutions in the product development process to ensure that the functionalities within the software remain in line with the laws & regulations. Eurius does this from extensive practical experience of litigating on behalf of clients against various regulators on AML/AML related cases.. 

Dpo PP

DPO Consultancy

DPO Consultancy is an expert in the field of privacy & data protection. DPO Consultancy fulfills a supervisory role at SCOPE FinTech Solutions and provides the so-called Data Protection Officerwho supervises compliance with all guidelines and procedures related to GDPR (AVG) compliance and provides reporting on this supervision. 

Kvk PP

Chamber of Commerce

For a study of Dutch UBOs and corporate affiliations and data enrichment of companies, SCOPE CDD solutions use data from the Chamber of Commerce. 

brochure SCOPE CDD Risk Portal

Ontdek de essentiële componenten en voordelen van het SCOPE CDD Risk Portal voor een effectieve risicobeoordeling. Download de whitepaper om te leren hoe configureerbare criteria en geïntegreerde dataoplossingen uw risicomanagement kunnen versterken.

brochure API

Maak CDD nog makkelijker, integreer CDD-controles direct in uw eigen software omgeving. Of maak gebruik van een van de oplossingen van onze partners waar de CDD controles al in geïntegreerd zijn. Download hier de brochure.

brochure Compliance Management Portal

With our knowledge and data partners, we have developed the right tools for KYC departments to make your risk assessment process faster, more efficient, and more interesting for employees. Read the benefits in our brochure.