SCOPE FinTech Solutions

Unique formula for risk appetite

What risk is your client willing to take? It can be a difficult task for you and your client to properly assess this because not all risks are visually apparent. By integrating AMCET's EPI engine and FinaMetrica's psychometric risk tolerance test, a unique risk profile is created. 

Scherm Kyclinks

No more complicated questionnaire with vague terms

In practice, poorly formulated questions and scenario analyses are often used to determine risk appetite. These scenario analyses are difficult to understand, creating the risk of clients guessing answers. A consequence of guessing is that one does not consider what the question actually means for the downside risk of their assets. As a result, the client's risk appetite may be (much) higher than it is. 

By integrating the "EPI-engine" which gives an overview of the asset turnover per stock market climate and per investment strategy , the (downward) risk is visually presented to the client. At a glance, the client can see what risk they may face with their assets.

In addition to the EPI engine, FinaMetrica's psychometric risk tolerance test is also integrated into the software. Twelve questions are used to determine the level of risk the client can live with. In other words: What risk is a client willing to take. 

Based on the psychometric risk tolerance test and the Monte Carlos simulations of the EPI engine, the software provides advice on the most appropriate risk profile. The choice of the actual risk profile always remains that of the client in consultation with the asset manager/advisor.

The EPI-engine

The EPI engine makes the risk capacity and the required risk transparent to the client. 

The EPI engine performs a Monte-Carlos simulation where investment returns can be calculated for different stock market scenarios. With clear visualizations, the client is shown whether the wealth target can be met and what the most positive and negative scenario is for each stock market climate. 

Monte-Carlosimulations are made based on parameters entered by the asset manager. The EPI engine can calculate "what" the value of a parameter should be to achieve a target with a certain certain certainty. This makes it possible to answer complex client questions, such as the examples on the side.

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The EPI-engine

The EPI engine makes the risk capacity and the required risk transparent to the client. 

The EPI engine performs a Monte-Carlos simulation where investment returns can be calculated for different stock market scenarios. With clear visualizations, the client is shown whether the wealth target can be met and what the most positive and negative scenario is for each stock market climate. 

Monte-Carlosimulations are made based on parameters entered by the asset manager. The EPI engine can calculate "what" the value of a parameter should be to achieve a target with a certain certain certainty. This makes it possible to answer complex client questions, such as the examples on the side.

Golden combination

The combination of both objective and subjective risk assessments creates a best practice risk profile. Based on this risk profile, you and your client can determine which investment strategy best suits them.


Watch a demo video on the risk appetite inventory

brochure SCOPE CDD Risk Portal

Ontdek de essentiële componenten en voordelen van het SCOPE CDD Risk Portal voor een effectieve risicobeoordeling. Download de whitepaper om te leren hoe configureerbare criteria en geïntegreerde dataoplossingen uw risicomanagement kunnen versterken.

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Maak CDD nog makkelijker, integreer CDD-controles direct in uw eigen software omgeving. Of maak gebruik van een van de oplossingen van onze partners waar de CDD controles al in geïntegreerd zijn. Download hier de brochure.

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